Callout Messages & E-Mail Marketing

ShOvation Feature Spotlight:
Callout Messages!!

Highlighted messages are programmed into the shopping cart. They can be the same or different for each performance or order link depending on your needs. A link in the messages directs patrons to purchase additional tickets to another performance, order flowers or other merchandise, or make a donation all from the same shopping cart! Callout messages help to increase your revenue by prompting patrons to make additional purchases prior to checkout. In addition, they also allow for ease of navigation throughout your ticketing site. This is just another example of our cutting edge technology always improving to make it simpler for you and your clients!

E-Mail Marketing

E-mail marketing allows organizations to communicate with their patrons who have purchased tickets or merchandise on a performance by performance or order link basis. This allows quick updates, reminders and other information to be sent immediately or at a scheduled time. Updates such as time changes, road information or promotions can be easily sent. Patrons can also be reminded to print their tickets and bring them to the event. E-mails can also be sent to patrons to encourage additional purchases or to make donations. ShOvation’s e-mail marketing module puts a powerful CRM at your fingertips! Ask your account manager if you have questions or an e-mail marketing reminder you wish to schedule.

ShOvation Online Ticketing Account Managers work with every organization based on their individual needs to provide superior service!

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