New venue, no problem
Here is the situation: You oversold your current venue in 2 hours, now you have to get a NEW larger venue, add show times and let everyone know about the change.
Sounds like a lot of work…that is if you don’t have the shOvation Recital Hotline working for you. Our staff is ready to advise you on the best solutions to communicate with your guests and help you organize. Our system can help you update clients in seconds and eliminate a huge communication process for you.
shOvation ticketing customer service gets rave reviews for how fast we can help our clients and how easy we make servicing any changes.
Automated emails are just one of the many included services our clients have available to make managing their recital or any large event a breeze. Ask your Event Representative on how we can customize a studio messaging system for you 1-844-RECITAL.
Join the shOvation natiOn today and win amazing prizes such as: studio master class with guest artist of your choice, 3-month subscription to Studio Director software, free backdrop from Backdrops Fantastic or Faculty logo wear.