ShOvation’s Recital Do’s and Don’ts: Part 2
With online ticket sales, you can still offer an in-studio online sales option as well as allowing family and friends to purchase online with a static link on your studio website, emailing the ticket link out and sharing on social media. This can greatly increase your sales and even draw attention to any recital merchandise you want to offer like t-shirts or studio yearbooks.
DO find the time to reflect on your season of dance. Schedule a dinner with your staff or plan an “end of the year” event for your students before show week.
DO have your teachers confirm all audio/music files are correct and properly edited a minimum of 10 days prior to your show. Music is such an important piece of the production, find time to organize your show playlist and make sure everything is in order.
DO block a section of seats in the theater for your photographers or video staff, parent helpers, staff family, students or any other special groups that require a reserved section. Every studio does this differently but you want to make sure to block these seats before they go on sale.
DO make it fun. It is so easy to get wrapped up in the logistics of each performance and rehearsal that you forget to make this major event FUN! What are you doing to make your production memorable and enjoyable for students so they want to come back?
DO save room in your recital program to advertise your upcoming season of classes, special camps or auditions. Everyone at your performance is seeing your product, make sure you invite them to join your program.
DON’T miss these easy steps to ensure an easy recital ticket sales season.
DON’T forget to communicate how people can purchase tickets. Provide clear directions and steps to order.
DON’T make it complicated. Make it easy for people to purchase and this will increase your ticket sales.
DON’T wait until the last minute to start your ticket sales. You want to give family and friends plenty of time to purchase tickets or share your event with others.
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