shovation nation promotion

New venue, no problem

Here is the situation: You oversold your current venue in 2 hours, now you have to get a NEW larger venue, add show times and let everyone know about the change. Sounds like a lot of work…that is if you don’t have the shOvation Recital Hotline working for you. Our staff is ready to advise […]

shovation nation promotion

Let them know WHERE and WHEN to buy!

One of the easiest ways to boost your recital revenue is to REALLY communicate where to buy tickets and when they go on sale. Do you think you remind your clients enough about show dates and times? There is always someone who didn’t know tickets were on sale or where the performance will take place. […]

shovation nation promotion

Increase your ticket revenue with pricing options

Have you considered tiered pricing for your events? This is another way to increase your ticket revenue but still provide lower ticket price options. Q:What does this mean? A: You can set up different prices for your tickets based on section or special groups such as students. You can even set your pricing to increase […]

shovation nation promotion

Join the shOvation natiOn today- Enter to win!

Join the ShOvation NatiOn today and enter to win incredible prizes! Set up your 2015 event to be entered to win one of these prizes: * A studio master class with a guest artist of your choice *Free Theater Backdrop by Backdrops Fantastic *Three month subscription to The Studio Director *Faculty Jackets or Logo Wear […]